Thursday, May 15, 2008

DACS comes to the rescue

The Danbury Area Computer Society comes to the rescue for The Connecticut Film Festival. Thanks to the generosity and IT genius of DACS founding member; Charles Bovaird, the festival was able to get their new online ticketing system and printers up online and running. The Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS) welcomes all those interested in computers and computing. Our members include novices, intermediates and experts interested in learning and sharing knowledge. DACS offers the "how to" on topics as varied as e-mailing, learning what's inside a computer, home and business networking, website design and construction, and programming in several computer languages. Our monthly newsletter, DACS.DOC, has won numerous awards for its informative articles. DACS general meetings, on the first Tuesday of the month, include a general question and answer session plus a presentation by experts from industry, area businesses and members on timely topics. General meetings offer the opportunity to find solutions to problems and learn about the newest and latest in computer technology. Everyone is welcome. Throughout the month DACS members meet in Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that concentrate on specific topics ranging from programming to how to get the most from Windows or your Macintosh. See our website for more information.

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