Friday, May 22, 2009

James V. Hart To Receive Award

Hollywood screenwriter James V. Hart will be receiving an achievement award in Danbury. Each year the Connecticut Film Festival pays special tribute to the visual story-tellers of the filmmaking creative community. The new “Inspiration Awards” celebrate the filmmakers that are most representative for The Connecticut Film Festival vision and philosophy. Each year, we’ll have an emphasis on a different aspect of filmmaking, honoring artist that make daring and compassionate films, works that are defined by great cinematic quality that have a powerful vision and entertain. In 2009, CTFF and WGAE have joined hands to celebrate the accomplishments of one individual by presenting the “Screenwriting Inspiration Award” to James V. Hart, a writer that always mixes fantasy, compassion and great ideals in his highly entertaining stories. James has entertained all of us with the likes of such delightful and intriguing stories as: August Rush, Contact and Hook to name just a few. Thursday, June 4 is his time to be entertained and honored by the industry when our hats go off to James V. Hart.

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